There are several programs that may be beneficial to resolving your case that may be applicable and available to you. Some of the programs or statutes are designed to keep you from having a public record for the crimes you are currently charged with, while others are designed to provide assistance in dealing with addictions. The following are some of the various programs that are available through Livingston County:
Holmes Youthful Training ACT (HYTA or YTA)
This is a program designed to keep people ages 17-21 from having a public criminal record. If you don’t have a significant record and the alleged offense fits within the legal requirements, you may be eligible. You will have to admit responsibility and complete a term of probation which in some instances can include jail. If you successfully complete all of the terms and conditions, then you will not have any formal convictions on your record. Just because you are young and may have made a poor decision, doesn’t mean you are destined to have a public record for the rest of your life. Our attorneys will work with you to evaluate all of the options in an effort to avoid such an outcome.
A law commonly referred to as section 7411 permits an individual charged with possession of certain drugs to escape the stigma of having a permanent criminal record. You would be required to complete the terms of probation, sometimes including jail, and do what the Court asks of you to avoid a drug conviction on your permanent criminal record. Section 7411 can only be used once and is limited to possession of controlled substances. It does not apply in delivery or manufacturing of any controlled substance cases. Our office will consider and review the details of a disposition using Section 7411 during our first meeting if you are charged with a drug crime.
Spouse Abuse Act
The spouse abuse act provides a remedy to prevent a person from having a permanent public record of assault if they are charged with a first Domestic Violence offense. This remedy allows you to complete a probationary term and if successful, the charges will not enter as a conviction on your permanent criminal record. If you are charged with Domestic Violence, contact our office to set up an appointment to get all the details regarding this Act.
PA 511
Public Act 511 is a program that permits people with drug and/ or alcohol addictions to receive state funding to enter residential treatment facilities for up to 90 days. This Act is dependent on government funding and may not always be available. However, when it is, it can be a valuable asset to assist an individual struggling with addiction to get needed help. This program does not prevent you from having a public record, but the state will be responsible for paying for the treatment.
Drug Court
Livingston County has multiple programs that assist people with their addictions. These programs are designed to keep the participants clean and sober and help them become participating members of society. The different Livingston County programs will be discussed with you at length if you are interested at the initial interview.
Our office has handled thousands of criminal cases and we will use our experience to make this process as easy as possible while getting you the best possible outcome.
Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Wilcox at any time if you have questions or to set up a free consultation.
- Call or text (Cell): (248) 229-5933
- Call (Office): (517) 548-3333
- Email: [email protected]
DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is meant to be general, informative and educational. It should not be taken as specific legal advice to any particular problem or issue. Please consult an attorney personally to discuss your particular circumstances.